Mrs. Henry's infamous (as in, lacking fame) Dimmer Twins

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mrs. Henry Rides Again

Yes, finally, what all you Mrs. Henry-heads have been waiting for all these years. A blog devoted to the persistence of the memory of that legendary to the point of practically non-existent band, Mrs. Henry. For those of you who don't recall, Mrs. Henry was a cult band with a diehard following of anywhere between three and thirteen fans in the New Brunswick, New Jersey area in, oh, say 1990-1991, no one is really quite sure anymore. They also had somewhere between three and thirteen different bass players. Again, no one is exactly sure. But we do know for certain that they lived on Foxwood Drive in Somerset, New Jersey with a couple of exasperated (and indeed, quite put-upon) girlfriends, a naked svengali in a tent, an incontinent cat or two, a disgruntled door-to-door organ salesman, and a filthy filthy man from Calcutta who made frequent (very expensive) calls yelling home long distance from his bottle of gin.

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(26 Foxwood Drive as it appears today. Step through the magic window of the intertubes--click on the picture or the link--and you'll be transported to the very site where Mrs. Henry once hunkered down hard on their rock.)

The purpose of this blog is to document, archive, and, if possible resuscitate such music as Mrs. Henry made. And then to ponder anew the significance of it all. The plan of our dedicated team of experts is to post pictures, music, videos, stories and other assorted pieces of the past, with thoughtful, largely self-mythologizing commentary, in order to render the Days of the Henry something more noble and enduring than mere misspent youth. We intend most of all to post as much music as we can find from The Henry, from the good to the listenable, to the sociologically interesting or psychologically telling, with explanatory notes and apologies where necessary. We will also post whatever music or pictures we can find from other bands or projects in which the members of Mrs. Henry have participated over the years, going as far back as we can, perhaps even to grade school, in addition to music and video from their more recent projects, to the extent they have any.

So, expect to hear the band in all its live, ragged and anti-social glory playing some dorm somewhere back in the day, but also expect new music from the reclusive but fecund Mount Russmore, with its patented "Wall of Reillys" sound. Be patient and you'll soon be able to hear painstakingly composed rock operas about fitness leaders, as well as a lost Christmas classic, perhaps the most festive take on the season ever performed in Russ's mother's basement. Be sure also, to look out for the story of the love guru who came to manage the band only to go mad and nude, squatting in the band's rehearsal space in his puptent, waiting for the endtimes. All of it, coming soon here on Mrs. Henry's Julep Hootenanny. Yes indeedy.

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